Monday, July 11, 2016


Once a week, the ranch has a hayride for the kids and any adults or crew that wish to participate. An old Ford tractor pulls a wagon with hay bales around the ranch for about 45 minutes and then drops us off at the swimming hole for the weekly cookout.

I went last week, and it was a beautiful night and actually kind of fun.

Along the way, we passed the ranch's 70+ horses, just released into the pasture to graze overnight...

We also encountered a large herd of elk with calves! It was the first herd I had seen since I got here in May. They were very spooked and ran, then turned and ran back the other direction and finally came to a standstill...

We eventually moved on and arrived at the cookout site to enjoy ribs, steak, homemade baked beans, cornbread, corn on the cob and more.. they cook the food and ribs at the lodge and then truck everything out to the field.

It's a beautiful setting with picnic tables and a fire pit for making S'mores after dinner...

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