Monday, July 18, 2016

Weekly wrap up... wildfires, dancing, Shakespeare and mice.

Another week has flown by! Besides the rodeo and Grand Teton Music Festival last week, here's what else happened. I didn't find time to ride horses but did manage to go see the free outdoor Shakespeare performance at the Arts Center in Jackson. They performed for two weekends, and this year it was Taming of the Shrew.

It was easy to find a seat and parking, and the crowd was a mix of families, tourists, locals and some of my ranch co-workers. People brought blankets to sit on and picnics, and the stunning backdrop was Snow King Mountain with its grassy ski slopes.

They updated the play, using wacky costumes and adding 80's music here and there, but the dialogue remained true to the original Shakespeare play with a few modern zingers added for laughs. Personally, I prefer period costumes but the acting really was phenomenal. I'm always amazed by any actor who can memorize pages of old English and deliver it with flair. My favorite part of the photo above is the reflection of the mountain in the glass! Below, the neon finale at dusk (still 9:30 pm here) ... excellent show.

Scout had a good week and is still happy as a clam here in Wyoming. She enjoys supervised afternoons to roam around my cabin. Coyotes and birds of prey prevent her from going out unattended. We were awakened last night at midnight by a noisy ruckous not far from the crew cabins, and it sounded like a pack of coyotes had grabbed something. An unsettling noise in the dark, almost like a pack of hyenas. Glad we were safe inside!
Here's Scout stalking...

                                                            Stealth walking.....

And..... a gift for Mom. Poor little thing, He looks like he's smiling. Sadly, this week she has caught and presented me with two mice, one adult and this adorable baby. No injuries or blood observed when she brought them to me, but they both died shortly thereafter, probably from shock ;(

With an abundance of birds and critters to keep her occupied, she has located a honey hole where she sits for hours waiting to see what goes in and out. Can you spot her hiding in the tall grass next to my cabin? Life's a jungle out there...

This is one fat and happy cat, chilling in our cabin ;)

Last night, I finally attended "Sunday church" as the locals call it. The venue was the Stagecoach Bar in Wilson, a cozy hole in the wall with an assortment of cowboys, ranchers, locals and then a few tourists added to the mix on Sundays.

It gets packed, and if you're anywhere near the stage and band, you will be asked to dance. I stuck to a high top table in the back and just observed. These people twirl and two step and love every minute of it. I wish I didn't have two left feet, but alas I do. The same Stagecoach Band has been playing here for 42 years and the music is pure country. There's only one original member on stage. No shortage of cowboy hats, boots and big Western belt buckles... what a blast!

Finally, the big news these last two days is 2 wildfires burning nearby. Highway 191/89 that I drove on through Hoback back in May is closed in both directions about 30 minutes away. One of the fires was started by a lightening strike. I'm not sure about the other. Evacuations are being ordered south and east of here, and this morning the air is thick with smoke. The smell is awful. Fires are burning at Deer Ridge and Cliff Creek near Bondurant. A guest ranch there has been evacuated. No one at my ranch seems alarmed... we shall see. This is the view from my bed right now....

These are today's local news photos below ... don't be alarmed ;)

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