Thursday, May 26, 2016

Evening walks around the ranch...

The last two nights, I ate so much I was determined to get out and walk after dinner. The ranch is about 300 acres and bordered on one side by the Snake River and on another by Grand Teton National Park. There is plenty to see. This is the creek where people go tubing in July and August, with horses nearby.

These are the ranch horses grazing after being sent out to pasture at day's end. As you can see, they're quite friendly.


The ranch has 3 adorable little donkeys... that's my co-worker Darcy from CA.
  I saw a handsome pair of elk on tonight's walk. Wish I could have gotten their 
faces  instead of their tails ;)

This is the creek that runs through the ranch and a beaver dam in the foreground.

And this (below) is the beautiful Snake River, allegedly full of trout. The ranch Manager said that an elusive grizzly and her cub were spotted on the opposite bank recently. It's a little rare for them to venture down from Yellowstone into GTNP. I walked with my bear spray just in case. Black bears and their cubs are much more common this time of year.

Another view of the Snake River at sunset with Aspen trees along the banks and snowy peaks in the background.

Everything here is so green right now it almost glows...

This was a pond along the way... 


We have LOTS of horses on the ranch, about 80....

One final shot of the snowy peaks in the distance as I returned home and the sun was setting behind me... 

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