Thursday, June 16, 2016

Horses and S'mores (say that fast 3 times and you might get in trouble)

Today after work, I biked into Teton Village to ride the Aerial Tram... more on that another day. On the way back onto the ranch, a co-worker flagged me down and said, "Watch out for the horses up ahead. They're about to cross the road."  I slowed down, rounded the curve and noticed some guests standing by with their cameras. Then I heard the whips cracking, which almost sounds like gunfire. Ahh... it finally sunk in. They're about to wrangle the herd out to pasture for the evening, after a day at the corral or being ridden. They do this every day around 4-5pm, and I've heard the commotion, but never seen it. I vividly remember when my sister and I were guests at the Bitterroot Ranch in WY in the 90s, every evening they'd do the same thing. I quickly determined which way the horses would be going, ditched my bike, got out of the way and grabbed my camera.

The lead wrangler was the girl who lives in the other side of my cabin. Later, she was very happy that I captured this shot ;)

It's great to watch because there's always an element of uncertainty and wildness with horses. They'll likely follow the wrangler out, but it just takes one rogue horse to lead the whole herd astray.

Just last week, an experienced wrangler's horse got spooked while he and two others were wrangling the herd in from a pasture in the morning, and he got bucked off and cut his head.

The horses (70+) just kept coming, and all you could hear was their thundering hooves. Most looked at us as they passed, and then they were gone... so glad I caught it!

Thursdays at the ranch it's hay ride/cookout night out in a beautiful meadow next to the swimming hole.

I wandered out, filled my belly, and then enjoyed a S'more around the campfire. There were ribs, steak, homemade baked beans, fresh corn on the cob, corn bread and brownies. Nothing here is frozen or comes out of a a can. Our culinary team is amazing, and the ranch owners don't skimp on anything. No wonder people come back for 10-20 years!

Another memorable night....

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