Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sunday surprise!

I wasn't going to post today, but hey, it's Wyoming and I'm still in awe of the little things. Be sure to read to the end...
I took a 5 mile walk along the Snake River dike, saw a Marmot and a "middle of nowhere" swing, as well as a cool cabin in the woods. It has been really warm here this week, which I love as a beach girl, but no one else seems to be enjoying it.

I got back to my cabin and read a book in my big resin arm chair, and Scout came outside too. She saw a Prairie Dog disappear into a hole, and then parked herself at the opening on high alert for the next half hour. Poor thing has no idea they have an elaborate network of underground tunnels and that the same prairie dog probably emerged from a different hole nearby, laughing at her.

The girl who lives in the left side of our cabin is a wrangler and has been collecting antlers and skulls while on her horse back rides along the Snake River and the islands in the middle of it. We adorned our cabin, Gatehouse, with a few. It's so "Western".

And now for the "surprise"... after I finished reading, I walked about 30 yards from my cabin to the crew laundry room to wash a load, and when I emerged, this guy was standing there eating the leaves off trees. That's right, after having a dead camera battery yesterday and missing the moose photo op in the park, I found a big moose just feet from my cabin, and he walked right across the road while I watched. Good things come to those who wait! ;)

To cap it off, look at tonight's beautiful pink sky sunset over the Tetons!

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